Do you want to Set up a New Sainik School? Govt reopens portal
MoD reopens portal for interested applicant schools from 27 September 2023 to 25 November 2023
Sainik School Latest News: As part of the Indian Government’s initiative to set up 100 new Sainik Schools in partnership mode, Sainik School Society, Ministry of Defence (MoD) will re-open its portal for registration of eligible interested applicant schools from 27 September 2023 to 25 November 2023. Interested schools/trusts/NGOs etc. are advised to go through the Qualitative Requirements, Memorandum of Agreement and Rules & Regulations for the new Sainik Schools, available on the portal.
Schools/NGOs/Trusts/Societies etc. which have already registered and applied during Round-1 and Round-2 need not apply afresh or pay registration fee again. However, earlier registered applicant will be allowed to update their data on the portal, with fresh inputs, if any. For any further clarification/assistance, interested schools may send an email to (Set up a New Sainik School)

42 New Sainik Schools already approved
The Government’s vision of establishing new Sainik Schools is not only to provide quality education to the students in tune with the National Education Policy and give them better career opportunities, including joining the Armed Forces; but also provide an opportunity to the State Governments/NGOs/private sector to work hand-in-hand with the Central Government towards nation building.
Towards this, Sainik Schools Society has approved 42 Private/NGOs/State Government Schools as new Sainik Schools. These 42 schools are apart from the existing 33 Sainik Schools already functioning under the erstwhile pattern. (Set up a New Sainik School.)
These new Sainik schools, besides their affiliation to respective education boards, will function under the aegis of Sainik Schools Society and follow the Rules and Regulations for new Sainik Schools in partnership mode. In addition, to their regular affiliated board curriculum, they will also impart education of Academic PLUS curriculum to the students of Sainik School pattern. For Sainik School admission process, Read here.